What my patients say
I cannot say enough great things about Katherine. My husband and I had issues with recurrent miscarriage with no answers from the OB. After our third loss, we knew we had to try something different. After seeing so many great reviews, we decided to give Rhythms a try and it’s truly been a life changer for us. I started seeing Katherine in June, one month after our loss. She took the time to discuss our history, lifestyle, and create a game plan for my husband and I. I started seeing her on a weekly basis (and still do) and my husband started seeing her bi-weekly. We started TTC in September and got pregnant on our first try! Once we found out we were pregnant, she advised us to get certain bloodwork done and found a thyroid issue that had been repeatedly missed by our OB. We are officially 3 months pregnant and have heard that beautiful heartbeat several times. Without Katherine’s expertise, empathy, and encouragement I truly don’t know where we would be in this journey. For anyone looking for answers on infertility or just trying to be prepared to embark on the pregnancy journey, I highly recommend seeing Katherine. She is a healer, teacher, and expert and I trust her whole heartedly. Kaitlyn
I cannot say enough about what Katherine has done for me. She is truly the best in the field and has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to women’s health. During my first appointment, I was very nervous and she greeted me with kindness, warmth, and an open heart. She thoroughly listened to me, made me feel relaxed, and came up with a straightforward, clear plan to helping me heal. I deeply appreciate her unparalleled “no nonsense” approach, graciousness and sense of humor. Thank you Katherine for all you do for the world!! Jaime
After a diagnosis of PCOS, family history of infertility and years of irregular cycles, I had become quite discouraged about my ability to get pregnant without medical intervention. I decided to try acupuncture before major intervention, and it was one of the best decisions of my life! From our first meeting, Katherine took the time to understand what was really going on with my body and made realistic and valuable recommendations. Her expertise is unbelievable. After getting weekly treatments for almost 6 months, I found out that I was pregnant. I continued to receive monthly tr3eatments throughout my pregnancy, and I was the happiest, healthiest, pregnant lady around! When our little guy was being stubborn, and was 2 weeks past his due date, Katherine did everything in her power to encourage my labor and prevent a medical induction. It worked, and he was born naturally, only 24 hours after my last acupuncture treatment! Acupuncture has also been helpful postpartum, in dealing with the emotional and hormonal adjustments. Throughout this journey, Katherine has been nothing but compassionate, flexible and encouraging. I can’t tell enough women how amazing she is!
My husband and I are beyond grateful. Elise L.
Unexplained Infertility
I can’t believe it’s been 10 weeks since Greta was born, I really don’t know where the time has gone! She is amazing and I still can’t believe she is our baby girl and I am so so thankful for her. I think I appreciate everything even more because of how hard we worked to get her, and we definitely have you to thank for that! Kelly P.

Preconception, Pregnancy and Post-Partum
I am so grateful to have had the privilege of knowing Katherine of Rhythms. She has played the role of acupuncturist, fertility specialist, counselor, health coach, and most of all, one of my biggest supporters and ultimately, my friend. Katherine was an excellent resource in the long journey that my husband and I endured while trying to conceive our second child. While working with Katherine, I lost almost 40 pounds in order to reach my goal. She was professional yet supportive in every way and helped me become the healthiest I could be to support a healthy pregnancy. There were many ups and downs during this time, and Katherine was there every step of the way. She helped me through my entire pregnancy until we welcomed our second healthy, beautiful son in August of 2014. I continue to see her for monthly treatments now, nine months later, as my body recovers from pregnancy and a C section. I couldn’t have done it without her! Thank you Katherine for all you have done for me and my family. Molly J.
Katherine – Introducing Baby Emma born on 1/11/14 at 12:57 am – 6lbs 7oz and 19 inches. We are all doing great just sleep deprived which is obviously to be expected. Thanks for everything you did for me during this journey! Couldn’t have done it without you ;) Katie R.
Unexplained Fertility
After trying for 5 months to conceive, I was having some concerns about my cycle affecting my ability to get pregnant. My primary care provider dismissed my concerns, and said that I was still within the normal range, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t right. I did some research online, and I decided to try acupuncture as a non-invasive fertility aid. I found Katherine and Rhythms online and gave her a call. Instead of dismissing my worries, Katherine understood my concerns and agreed that my cycle was probably not ideal for conception. I started weekly treatments, and to my surprise and delight, I became pregnant after the first month I started working with her! I continued my treatments throughout my pregnancy, and I had none of the negative side effects of pregnancy, no morning sickness, nothing! I looked forward to each appointment with her because I would leave feeling relaxed and refreshed. My daughter was born healthy and happy in October of 2013. You can be sure that when it comes time for us to think about #2, I will be heading back to Katherine right from the start! Megan B.
Advanced Maternal Age
Hi Katherine! The past 9 weeks have been a blur of newborn bliss and sleep deprivation, but I wanted to say thank you for all that you did for me. I credit acupuncture for helping me before and during my pregnancy. I really don’t think Emma would be here if it wasn’t for you! Kim L.
At 44 I never expected to be peri-menopausal but that is definitely where I am at! Prior to coming to Rhythms I was feeling this constant anger and irritability, one which when I was asked to rate my anger on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest, I emphatically described it as a 12. Yes, a 12! I felt like if I didn’t do something quick I would have no friends left by the time I finished menopause. After three treatments my symptoms have lessened significantly and I no longer feel like I want to strangle my boss!
Thank you! Robin W.

I arrived on Katherine’s doorstep feeling broken and tired after a four year infertility battle. My motivation and drive to become a mother and family was as big as the universe, but the energy I had left to fuel it was about the size of a small ember. Katherine worked within the confines of my budget to develop a treatment program incorporating body, mind, and spirit that would compliment my Western medical treatments. She went above and beyond, privately instructing specific Qi yoga techniques to help reduce the side effects of IVF medications and improve my body’s readiness to accept a pregnancy. Acupuncture treatments were both relaxing and energizing (and it doesn’t hurt)! I truly believe they helped my body more effectively process IVF medications, as I had fewer side effects and produced healthier eggs throughout this round. Katherine also taught a specific fertility diet that she encouraged me to follow (it was strict as heck, but worth it). Women who go through IVF know that it’s about a two month process total per round. To say it’s difficult is an enormous understatement. Our bodies, minds, spirits, families, relationships, jobs…everything is affected. Infertility can truly be all consuming. Katherine helped make my process this round more manageable and more successful. After this one last round, I finally became a mother. I will always be grateful to Katherine for helping me to bring this perfect ray of sunshine into my life and into the world. Melissa S.
Endometriosis and IVF
After a devastatingly unexpected diagnosis of endometriosis and almost complete fallopian tube blockage, I was told I could only get pregnant through in vitro fertilization (IVF). Shortly thereafter I sought out Katherine’s expertise and support. She treated not only my physical issues but also provided much-needed emotional support. After one failed IVF cycle, I stunningly got pregnant naturally! I truly believe my weekly treatments with Katherine were instrumental in making this possible. Holly C.
Katherine, Our little Daniel is here and doing amazing. He was 7lb 14oz and is thriving! My surgery went great and all of my labs have come back perfectly! I couldn’t have asked for a better outcome. Thank you for taking such good care of us. I know that I couldn’t have done it without you. Ginelle H.
Male Factor
I started seeing Katherine about 6 months ago. I had been working with my primary doctor and GYN for my diagnosis of endometriosis and infertility for 5+ years. By the time I started seeing Katherine, I was bordering on depressed because I felt so terrible most of the time and felt I had minimal quality in my life. My cycles were only 24 days long, and were lasting 7-8 days. I was hemorrhaging for my whole cycle with terrible clots, and would even pass out during my cycles when I had lost too much. It took me the rest of my cycle to recover. I had been to the hospital, and even elected to do surgery last May to have the endometriosis lasered off, as well as have cysts removed and a d+c. The surgery did not work, that was the final straw. Finally, I found out about Katherine and her work. After my first treatment, I got my cycle a couple days after and already noticed a difference. It was not as heavy and I was actually able to function. By the next time my cycle came around, it was normal. I actually remember sitting down with Katherine at that visit and saying: “You know, I had the best period!” Like really, who says that? But it was so true. I had a 28 day cycle, with a light flow, no clots and it lasted only 4 days. Now, 6 months later, I am still having normal periods each month, and to me, that in itself is such a blessing, and to me is invaluable. Another great thing for me is the holistic picture that Katherine uses. She is always asking questions about my general health, and I have yet to find one thing that she cannot fix. She is so caring and passionate about her work, and will do anything to help her patients. Katherine still is working so hard to help me get pregnant, and I have no doubt that it will happen. She is my angel, and I am so thankful for her everyday! (UPDATE: Mindy gave birth to a beautiful baby girl in July 2015 after almost 7 years of trying to conceive. She came to Rhythms 5 years into this fertility struggle, but her commitment to following a regular treatment schedule and protocol for over a year allowed us the time to correct her many imbalances and thus prepare her body for conception.) Mindy A.
Unexplained Infertility
My husband kept saying over and over, “It’s your acupuncturist, it’s your acupuncturist!” We still can’t believe that after over two years of trying to get pregnant that we did. At Katherine’s suggestions, I changed my diet and not only stopped drinking soda but started drinking room temperature water and warming soups and foods. Apparently, my body was too cold, something Katherine calls a yang deficiency in Chinese medicine. We can’t thank her enough for everything! Amy B.
Menstrual Cycle Issues
Although my husband and I weren’t necessarily trying to get pregnant, we weren’t preventing it either. I went to Rhythms for a treatment because I was having a lot of pre-menstrual breast tenderness, cramping and irritability. The ironic thing is that after that treatment my next menstrual cycle came and went without any of those PMS symptoms I had been experiencing for months. It was that month that I conceived!
Rhythms also helped me through the labor of my second child, naturally. Having given birth with no medications previously, I wanted to try to do it drug-free again……..although I fully intended to do whatever was necessary for an easy delivery remembering the pain of it all! But drugs were not necessary as Katherine accompanied me every step of the way during my delivery. I am convinced that the acupuncture and acupressure she did during contractions, especially on and near my sacral area made all the difference. I delivered a healthy 10 pound baby boy with only one minor tear! Leah F.