Path to Pregnancy Strategy Session
If You’re Here, Then What You’ve Been Trying Thus Far Hasn’t Worked.
Have you been trying to conceive for more than six months?
Are you feeling overwhelmed with all the information out there?
Not getting answers from your doctor or not even able to see your doctor because they’ve told you to wait one year?
Trying to avoid IVF altogether or want to try holistic and natural options first?
There is Hope.
“Treatment success depends on a good strategy. FIRST you state the goal, THEN you develop a strategy, THEN you implement tactics. Too often, patients come to me having already started doing a million things thinking they’re helping their fertility, but they never really had a good strategy to begin with and have just wasted time. ”

On Average, Women Have Been Trying To Conceive For Almost 2 Years Before Coming To See Me. Once They Begin My Program, It Takes Them On Average, 3 To 4 Months To Get Pregnant.
My 1:1 strategy sessions will help you determine potential roadblocks to your fertility and solutions for a successful pregnancy. Often, patients have been spinning their wheels trying so many things that they have actually confused their bodies. Taking too many supplements, not paying attention to their menstrual cycles and eating too much of the wrong foods are common problems I find that have been interfering with the body’s ability to conceive. Our strategy session will help you avoid making the wrong mistakes and fixing the mistakes that may have led you astray.
Get Expert Fertility Coaching
This will be a working session in which we will dive into your fertility history to see where you’ve been and where you need to go to set your body up for fertile success. In this 60-minute video session we will:
Review your medical and fertility history.
Review any lab work you’ve had done thus far or recommend what tests to do if you haven’t done any.
Answer all your fertility questions.
Provide customized recommendations for next steps.