Acupuncture & Online Programs
Hi, I’m
Dr. Katherine Alexander Anderson
Fertility & Women’s Health Expert
Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Executive Director, American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine (ABORM)
Clinician – Lecturer – Researcher
*If others say ‘go left I’m probably saying go right because there’s no one size fits all approach to fertility or women’s health. My customized solutions help you stop wasting time.
I can help you conceive in-person or online with natural, evidence-based solutions.

What My Patients Have to Say
After a devastatingly unexpected diagnosis of endometriosis and almost complete fallopian tube blockage, I was told I could only get pregnant through in vitro fertilization (IVF). Shortly thereafter I sought out Katherine’s expertise and support. She treated not only my physical issues but also provided much-needed emotional support. After one failed IVF cycle, I stunningly got pregnant naturally! I truly believe my weekly treatments with Katherine were instrumental in making this possible.
Katherine, Our little Daniel is here and doing amazing. He was 7lb 14oz and is thriving! My surgery went great and all of my labs have come back perfectly! I couldn’t have asked for a better outcome. Thank you for taking such good care of us. I know that I couldn’t have done it without you.
At 44 I never expected to be peri-menopausal but that is definitely where I am at! Prior to coming to Rhythms I was feeling this constant anger and irritability, one which when I was asked to rate my anger on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest, I emphatically described it as a 12. Yes, a 12! I felt like if I didn’t do something quick I would have no friends left by the time I finished menopause. After three treatments my symptoms have lessened significantly and I no longer feel like I want to strangle my boss! Thank you!
Hi Katherine! The past 9 weeks have been a blur of newborn bliss and sleep deprivation, but I wanted to say thank you for all that you did for me. I credit acupuncture for helping me before and during my pregnancy. I really don’t think Emma would be here if it wasn’t for you!
Katherine – Introducing Baby Emma born on 1/11/14 at 12:57 am – 6lbs 7oz and 19 inches. We are all doing great just sleep deprived which is obviously to be expected. Thanks for everything you did for me during this journey! Couldn’t have done it without you 😉
I can’t believe it’s been 10 weeks since Greta was born, I really don’t know where the time has gone! She is amazing and I still can’t believe she is our baby girl and I am so so thankful for her. I think I appreciate everything even more because of how hard we worked to get her, and we definitely have you to thank for that!
Katherine has been wonderful to work with. My wife and I are very thankful, and currently expecting twins!
I cannot say enough about what Katherine has done for me. She is truly the best in the field and has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to women’s health. During my first appointment, I was very nervous and she greeted me with kindness, warmth, and an open heart. She thoroughly listened to me, made me feel relaxed, and came up with a straightforward, clear plan to helping me heal. I deeply appreciate her unparalleled “no nonsense” approach, graciousness and sense of humor. Thank you Katherine for all you do for the world!!
Katherine has been so wonderful! Our beautiful daughter is here because of her knowledge and expertise. We highly recommended her.
” I can help you figure out the roadblocks to your conception and unblock them so you can get pregnant with natural and evidence-based solutions that you don’t hear from everyone. My customized solutions help you stop wasting time, because I know you don’t want to, and frankly, some of you simply don’t have time to waste.”
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